Creating Your Reality eBook - Table of Contents
by Anne Varnes
Introduction | 4 |
Chapter One: My Story | 6 |
Chapter Two: Core Philosophies | 13 |
Ye Are Gods | 14 |
Ye Are Gods Contemplation Exercise | 17 |
Energy and Thoughts | 18 |
Energy and Thoughts Contemplation Exercise | 25 |
Learning the Lesson | 26 |
Learning the Lesson Contemplation Exercise | 29 |
Surrender and Trust | 30 |
Surrender and Trust Contemplation Exercise | 33 |
Attachments | 34 |
Attachments Contemplation Exercise | 37 |
Staying Open | 38 |
Staying Open Contemplation Exercise | 40 |
Be and Ye Shall Be | 41 |
Be and Ye Shall Be Contemplation Exercise | 43 |
Chapter Three: The Corresponding Planes of Existence | 44 |
The Physical Plane | 46 |
The Energy Body and Aura | 50 |
Chakras | 50 |
Chakra Guideline | 54 |
Chakra Tools | 61 |
The Aura | 63 |
Physical Plane Layers | 65 |
Astral Plane Layer (Bridge) | 66 |
Spiritual Plane Layers | 67 |
The Cosmic Plane | 68 |
The Astral Plane | 69 |
Overview | 69 |
Dreams and the Astral | 70 |
Tapping into Astral Resources | 71 |
How to Project to the Astral Plane | 73 |
Find the Right Aid for Your Sleep Type | 74 |
The Mental Plane | 76 |
Mental Plane Exercise | 78 |
The Higher Planes or Universal Mind | 79 |
Chapter Four: Tools | 81 |
Brain Wave States | 81 |
Beta | 81 |
Alpha | 82 |
Theta | 82 |
Delta | 83 |
Goals | 84 |
Falling in Love with Your Desires | 86 |
Affirmations | 87 |
Visualization | 88 |
Willpower | 89 |
Exercising Your Will | 91 |
Needle Movement Technique | 91 |
The Will and Lucid Dreaming | 92 |
Going Lucid | 92 |
Affirmations | 93 |
Reality Checks | 93 |
Spinning | 93 |
Bring Objects to You | 94 |
Levitate and Suspend an Object | 94 |
Teleport Yourself Instantly | 94 |
Using Your Will | 94 |
The Coil Technique | 95 |
Fire Technique | 95 |
Raising Your Vibrations | 96 |
Chapter Five: What You May Encounter | 98 |
Fear | 99 |
Growing Pains | 101 |
Sabotage | 103 |
The Dark Night of the Soul | 104 |
Signs of Success! | 106 |
A Final Word from the Author | 107 |
Glossary | 108 |
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